Well.. a funny thing happened on my way to camp.

I had to say that, sorry….."giggle"

Well my first trip to camp can be described and awesomely magical, unbelievably frustrating, with a slight touch of fear. So I must start from the beginning.

OK …. Here we go..

I got lost. Unbelievably lost.

I arrived in the small town that Rainbow Mountain was located near after the sun had set. I found what I thought, was the correct Wendy’s restaurant and then began to search for Mount Nebo Road. Well after searching for a half an hour I returned to the Wendy’s restaurant and called the resort for directions. Well to make a long story short, after four different calls and specking to four different people I found out that I was at the wrong Wendy’s restaurant. Well then I had to find the right Wendy’s. Then after 45 minutes of driving in the "dark" Pennsylvania mountain wilderness, and then being detoured around a major accident on a small two lane road, I found the right Wendy’s. Then I had to find Mount Nebo Road. I have to say I love Pennsylvania but, they need to purchase more roadside streetlights or purchase road signs that reflect light better. Oh well….. By the time I got to the camp it was 10:10pm. Thankfully they held my room key for me. Needless to say I wasn’t feeling to LG when I arrived. The devil had partially won the battle that night. I had gotten to camp safely but Karen had fallen a sleep in the car. I had to check in and put her to bed so she could be ready for the next day. I was able to greet her friends and apologizes to them that Karen had fallen asleep. I was able to talk for a to a great LG named Sarah from England that really made me feel that a great weekend was in store.

Karen’s Guardian,

On to Karen Marie's LG Camp Weekend Story.